The role of PR in your marketing mix (sales funnel)

When it comes to promoting your business, it's important to have a well-rounded marketing mix that includes various tactics and channels. What you choose to use will be dependent on numerous variables – your target audience, budget, objectives, and resource.

One channel that often gets overlooked is PR, or public relations. Yet PR can be a valuable addition to your marketing tactical mix and can play an important role in the sales funnel.

What is PR? 

First things first, let's define what PR is. Public relations is all about how organisations communicate with the public to build a positive brand image and reputation. It involves building and maintaining relationships with the media and key influencers in your industry. The aim is often to raise the profile of your business or product to achieve a specific objective.

From pitching stories to reporters, to organising press events, speaking opportunities, collaborations or writing leadership pieces. It is essentially all about getting free, credible and third-party coverage for your business that results in ‘earned media’ exposure. 

Now, let's talk about how PR relates to the sales funnel because this is not an instant win sales driver. PR can play a key role in the top of the funnel, which is the awareness stage. By getting media coverage and reaching a wide audience, PR can help to increase brand awareness and drive potential customers to your website or social media pages. It can increase that share of voice you have in the marketplace and support the recognition and credibility you need to attract your target audience. 

As the potential customers move down the funnel, PR can also play a role in the consideration stage by building trust and credibility through third-party endorsements and positive press coverage. Case studies, word of mouth and recommendations are huge influences on the purchase stage of the funnel. Potential customers will be more likely to consider your product or service if they see that others have had a positive experience with it.

Additionally, PR can also be utilised to support other marketing efforts such as product launches, influencer marketing, event marketing, SEO and branding. 

As with any marketing tactic, the strength comes when you have an integrated campaign utilising several marketing strands that are consistent and amplify key messages and aims of your marketing and communication plans. 

PR in action 

Many people are unsure what PR activity can support their business, especially if they are an SME. Here’s a couple of examples of how we supported businesses with PR activity.

Case Study: RJC Plant Services 

Our client, plant hire company RJC Plant Services wanted to utilise PR to increase their profile in their local community and across the region. Utilising their brand value of Giving Back we launched a series of acts of kindness to celebrate local heroes in their community. Initiatives such as handing out Afternoon Teas to elderly residents and teachers on Random Act of Kindness Day, to donating a new life-saving De-Fib machine and donations to local charities resulted in securing them both national and local press coverage. The business has featured in The Yorkshire Post, Selby Times, BBC Radio, York Press and many more media publications. They also secured an array of award nominations such as The BBC York Make a Difference Awards and even received The One Big Thank You Award from The One Show which saw them appear on prime-time TV with a visit from World’s Strongest Man Paul Smith and even a shout out from Paddy McGuinnes! Brand awareness has increased significantly alongside the growth of the business. 

Case Study: Charlotte Armitage and the launch of No Phones At Home Day 

Media Psychologist and Registered Psychotherapist Charlotte Armitage wanted to use PR to raise awareness of the newly created awareness day, No Phones At Home. Through her career in mental health working with schools, children and parents she witnesses the detrimental impact technology was having on our mental health. Through a series of press releases and influencer marketing, the campaign secured coverage in the Mail Online, Yorkshire Business Woman, local TV and media, and being commissioned to write an op-ed piece. Over 15 top parenting influencers engaged in the campaign, alongside creative businesses. 

PR support for your business 

If you are considering utilising PR as part of your marketing activity, Bevic offers a range of services that can support your business. From one-hour power hours to help you gain focus on your aims and ideas, to more detailed two-hour workshops on your PR activity, or ongoing PR support as your business grows, we have a package to suit you. 

Get in touch for a free, no-obligation chat to find out how PR can help your business grow.


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